
Nasturtium Leaf Crisps

It’s 27 degrees today in Carterton, the grass is drying, the pavement is scorching, but the bees still appear to be happily buzzing away around the lemon and borage flowers. I couldn’t bring myself to be labouring over the stove in this heat so I decided to whip up a quick and easy refreshing snack instead.

The beautiful round lily-pad-like leaves of nasturtiums can be spotted reaching up to the sun along riverbanks and roadsides, basking in the warmth. It’s vibrant yellow, orange, and red flowers are blooming alongside them and nodding along in the light summer breeze.

Nasturtium’s have edible leaves, flowers, and seed heads which can be used in salads, cooked into meals, or pickled into capers (in the case of the seeds). They all have a delicious pepperiness which is wonderful in this simple leaf crisp recipe. Add a touch of salt and olive oil, bake, and behold a crispy, foraged, healthy snack. Enjoy my fellow foragers!

Nasturtium Leaf Crisps


Nasturtium leaves (stems snipped off)

Salt, to taste

Olive oil


  1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees fan bake. Line a tray with baking paper.
  2. Place your nasturtium leaves in a single layer, face down, and lightly oil with your fingers or a brush and sprinkle on some salt.
  3. Bake nasturtium leaves for 10 minutes or until crispy.

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Welcome to the Woodland Folk blog! My name is Jess, I am passionate environmentalist, animist, and vegan living in beautiful New Zealand. Join me in my goal of reclaiming our collective ancestral knowledge of wild foods and medicine while creating delicious and healthy recipes.